"Examining data for the Eu families alone, we detected one region, with a maximum LOD score at rs3057 on chromosome 8q24.21 (Figure 1B), that showed strong evidence for linkage, having a nonparametric multipoint exponential LOD score of 3.464 (empirical genome-wide p = .0300)."
"Using the E Asian families, we observed that no linkage peak exceeded the empirical threshold for suggestive linkage (LOD = 1.822), but regions on chromosomes 1, 3, 7, 13, 18 and 19 had linkage peaks with LOD scores greater than 1.0 (Figure 1C and Table 3). Notably, there was no evidence in the E Asian population for linkage in the region of significant linkage (8q24.21) from the Eu sample set. In fact, the chromosome 7 region was the only E Asian region with a LOD score over 1.0 that showed overlap with linkage peaks observed in the Eu data set ."
文里面已经说了8号染色体上的rs3057是对于那些欧洲血统的人有重要关联的,而且还强调说东亚人的linkage根本没证据显示是跟chr. 8q24.21有关,反而是和chr. 1,3,7,13,18,19有关。
"Examining data for the Eu families alone, we detected one region, with a maximum LOD score at rs3057 on chromosome 8q24.21 (Figure 1B), that showed strong evidence for linkage, having a nonparametric multipoint exponential LOD score of 3.464 (empirical genome-wide p = .0300)."
"Using the E Asian families, we observed that no linkage peak exceeded the empirical threshold for suggestive linkage (LOD = 1.822), but regions on chromosomes 1, 3, 7, 13, 18 and 19 had linkage peaks with LOD scores greater than 1.0 (Figure 1C and Table 3). Notably, there was no evidence in the E Asian population for linkage in the region of significant linkage (8q24.21) from the Eu sample set. In fact, the chromosome 7 region was the only E Asian region with a LOD score over 1.0 that showed overlap with linkage peaks observed in the Eu data set ."
文里面已经说了8号染色体上的rs3057是对于那些欧洲血统的人有重要关联的,而且还强调说东亚人的linkage根本没证据显示是跟chr. 8q24.21有关,反而是和chr. 1,3,7,13,18,19有关。
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