勤奋的21号染色体 母系单倍群B


2017-09-04 • IP属地北京
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3 个回复

wang - 哈佛医学院、德国马普所分子人类学博士后
B4a1c dates to ~20.5 ka and its three subclades, B4a1c1, B4a1c3 and B4a1c+146, are seen in East Asia, North Asia, Peninsular Malaysia with, interestingly, a fourth basal lineage seen in the Aboriginal Malay Semelai. B4a1c1 and B4a1c3 both date to ~18 ka  and are seen only in Japan (Tanaka et al., 2004). B4a1c with np T146C dates to ~17 ka, and includes B4a1c2 and B4a1c4, and a subclade in China. B4a1c+146 is seen in China, Siberian Russia, Taiwan and Peninsular Malaysia. B4a1c2 dates to ~3.5 ka, and is seen in two Russian Siberians (Starikovskaya et al., 2005) and a Southeastern Siberia Eskimo (Mishmar et al., 2003). B4a1c4 dates to ~14 ka and is observed in southern China (Guizhou) (Kong et al., 2006), Mongolia (Hartmann et al., 2009), Taiwan (Soares et al., 2011) and Peninsular Malaysia.


ref: Eng KK. Complete mitochondrial DNA genome variation in Peninsular Malaysia. University of Leeds; 2014.
我的只到B4a 不属于进一步的分支 不知道是DNA精度原因 还是数据缺失
@Dr.wang ,英语很好。
