a381218893 a381218893 母系单倍群B


2018-08-02 • IP属地赣州
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3 个回复

Barbaraley - My children are from China. They want to learn about their Chinese roots.
Hi! My son (adopted from Qingdao City, Shandong) has a B4c1c maternal haplogroup, but I can't find much information about this haplogroup. I also can't find many others with it. Do you have informtion about it? 
siauhoo - C2c1a2b2/CTS3385
my son's mt dna haplogroup is b4c1c1. quite similar actually
元月十号 - 【杜】O-MF2636/外公【崔】T-Y13290/外婆【张】O-F723
